Thursday 6 October 2011

Understanding Young Audiences:
Bellow i have gathered information from websites about young audiences and why pop videos are aimed at them. 

Channel 4 commissioned research agencies Dipsticks and Sherbert to carry out research to better understand 11-19 year olds.

The downloadable slides present the results of 1,800 online interviews conducted among a representative sample of 11-19 year olds with additional insights from qualitative research on 10-13 year olds. The quantitative research focused on finance, money and media repertoire whilst the qualitative study centered on information and inspiration, mind matters and trends and talking points.

Top line info

  • Females are significantly more likely to spend money on clothes and socialising whereas males are more likely to spend on gadgets and computer games.
  • Males are significantly more likely to be engaging with online activity.
  • BBC1 and E4 are the two most popular channels for 14-19 year olds.
  • iPlayer and 4oD are the most popular TV services for watching/downloading programmes on demand.
  • Future financial stability and job prospects were a worry for all, even the younger age groups, triggered by the current economic climate.
  • Cyber bullying and issues of cyber safety were big concerns for girls.
  • Boys were particularly concerned about personal hygiene.
4 Music:

Why advertise on 4Music?

  • We are the UK's number 1 music channel, beating MTV1 Total and Viva* with a 20.9% average monthly reach (10.1m) for individuals *
  • It reaches 19.1% of ABC1 adults a month with a ABC1 profile of 32%*
  • Our audience is female-lead and centred on 16-24s
  • We feature the latest chart music with exciting 'tabloid' lives
  • There's massive cross promotion to entice even more viewers
    * Infosys/BARB MCH

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From the above infomation we can see that the majority of audience members are female aged from
16 - 24 .

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